The Briggs Kids

Aria (Beedo)

Our dear oldest, she is as sweet as she is beautiful, she loves her brothers and sister and does everything she can to make sure they are taken care of.

Aria is a solo piece in music and although separate is usually part of a greater work. She loves to sing and act and we often hear her reciting her own scripts that she makes up spontaneously or she is singing her favorite songs.

Aria speaks with her entire face, she is the most expressive person that you will every meet.

Alex (Buddy)

Alex our oldest boy. Alex is a highly active young man. He enjoys Tae kwon do, Soccer, Basketball, and skateboarding.

Alex is currently working on his High Red Belt and should be testing for his Black belt some time this year.

He is often seen being followed around by his younger sister who just adores him. We see them together as he teaches her what he has learned.

He enjoys being a big brother and already has plans for Jacob

Lena (Lelu)

Marlena is the spunkiest girl you will ever meet. She is constantly on the go. She is creative, loving, and fiercely attached to her older siblings.

Her favorite thing is to give hugs. You will hear her say that she is a “hugger” as she is diving into your arms.

She smiles with her mouth and with her eyes. Even with a mask on when she smiles she melts even the gruffest of hearts.

Marlena loves to dance and play soccer.

Jacob (The Boy)

Jacob is the newest member of the Briggs kids and he has no problem telling you that he is “the” center of the family.

He has his brother and sisters wrapped around his little finger, every noise, movement, and smell has them completely enthralled.

We are all excited to see what his personality will be and who he will become.